At Yantra, we believe that your digital strategy is a cornerstone of your business plan and gives you a unique opportunity to truly engage with your clients.

An effective Digital Strategy will help your business:

Connect with mobile customers

According to Shopify’s research, “50.3% of eCommerce website traffic comes through a mobile device and 33% of eCommerce orders came from a mobile device rather than a computer”.

Reach your target audience through all devices globally

We can see from the Internet Retail research study that “60% of global mobile consumers use their mobile device as their primary or exclusive internet source”.

Increase brand awareness and brand engagement

“As much as 72% of consumers are already connecting with brands through their various digital marketing channels and activities” according to reports from Mashable.

Monetize your content & increase conversion rate

Effective calls to action (CTAs) are essential to increasing conversion rate, as can be illustrated with the following statistic; “213.16% increase in conversion by making the copy more relevant”.

Increase revenue

Through increased conversion rates, revenue can be seen to increase substantially.
In a study by IPSOS Hong Kong, we have seen that “Digital marketing strategies were confirmed to generate as much as 2.8 times better revenue growth for businesses”.

Yantra Digital’s Top Digital Tips of the Week

Quality unique content has far greater value than generic or reposted content.
Researching your target audience and what they like and where they like to hang out will vastly increase your engagement and conversion.
Planning and planning are key to success.